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天然橡胶供应短缺难以重新点燃市场(NR supply deficit fails to rekindle market)
作者:原文作者:Written by European Rubber Journalemail 编译:微路投资咨询公司 发表时间:2018/6/29 11:28:36


内容概要:2018年6月26日Kuala Lumpur 消息,2018年头五个月份,全球对天然橡胶的需求超过,2018年1至5月,全球天然橡胶消费582.2万吨(同比增长6.2%),同期,供应为525.2万吨(同比增长7.7%)。 编注:要注意的是,从绝对数字看供应小于消费,从同比增长看,供应大于消费。 原文: JUNE 26, 2018 | 0 COMMENTS NR supply deficit fails to rekindle market Written by European Rubber Journalemail share icon twitter share icon linked in share icon Kuala Lumpur – World demand for natural rubber exceeded supply in the first five months of the year 2018, according to the latest monthly figures from the Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries (ANRPC). Global NR consumption, ANRPC said 26 June, increased by 6.2% year-on-year to 5.822 million tonnes during the period from January to May 2018. During the same period, world NR supply stood at 5.252 million tonnes, showing a year-on-year rise of 7.7%. The 570-kilotonne shortage, noted the association, has helped to “partly absorb” excess availability… 原网页:http://www.european-rubber-journal.com/2018/06/26/nr-supply-deficit-fails-rekindle-market/ ◆特此声明:微路投资管理公司网站 [www.valuefirm.net]发布此信息目的在于传播更多信息,文章内容仅为分析师个人观点,不代表公司、网站立场,不对您构成任何投资建议。市场有风险,投资需谨慎。如需转载,请注明出处!

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