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印度橡胶工业过度依赖天然橡胶进口(India rubber industry ‘over-reliant’ on NR imports )
作者:Written by European Rubber Journal 微路投资咨询公司编译 发表时间:2018/7/2 9:47:10


2018年6月25日讯,印度橡胶加工业过度依赖于低价格天然橡胶进口。近年来,橡胶低价格导致印度种植者砍伐橡胶树,依靠进口满足印度橡胶需求。 原文: JUNE 25, 2018 | 0 COMMENTS India rubber industry ‘over-reliant’ on NR imports Written by European Rubber Journalemail share icon twitter share icon linked in share icon Kottayam, India – India’s rubber manufacturing industry is becoming over-reliant on imports of low-cost natural rubber (NR), the Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII) has warned. The warning is based on an RRI study that valued the industry’s output – 66% of which is based on NR – at close to Rs.750 billion per annum, and exports nearing $ 2.5 billion a year. In recent years, however, low NR prices have discouraged rubber growers from tapping trees leaving imports to meet growth in demand from India rubber… ◆特此声明:微路投资管理公司网站 [www.valuefirm.net]编译此信息目的在于传播更多信息,文章内容仅为分析师个人观点,不代表公司、网站立场,不对您构成任何投资建议。市场有风险,投资需谨慎。如需转载,请注明出处! 出处: 原网页:http://www.european-rubber-journal.com/2018/06/25/india-rubber-industry-reliant-nr-imports/ Written by European Rubber Journal

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